Friday, October 15, 2010


So, I have had this blog for... a year? And haven't posted anything as of yet. It's one of those things, "all my friends are doing it, so I might as well start." From what I gather, blogs are diaries that you let people read. Okay, I can deal with that.
If you are interested, I shall tell you a little bit about myself, to start.
First and foremost, I have an almost unhealthy obsession with my cat. He's just cool. He is like my child, friend and listening ear (for when I hate the world).

Wow, that picture took way too long to load. Well, anyway, that's him. His name is Felix. He is the most un-cat-like cat I have ever met. He follows me around the house like a lost puppy. If he hears a door open, that he knows I have been behind, I hear the pitter patter of feet come from the other end of the hallway (well, I say "pitter patter", but in truth, he runs like a horse). He then runs up to me, tries to find out what I'm doing, and proceeds to beg for food. Our "conversations" usually consist of me shouting profanities about what he has most recently knocked over, or gotten into or pulled into unmentionable places, and him yowling for his food.

Other than working, and enjoying the pleasure of my cat's company, I like to draw, and fancy myself an amateur photographer. That's pretty much me in a nutshell. I would post more, but my mind is in an allergy induced fog and I can't think.

Okay, I'm off to swallow some Alavert and find something fruity to eat.